Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Day that Wasn’t ..!!

Now that I have successfully accepted the fact that my undergraduate degree for which I had slogged for 4 years (not necessarily studying but there sure was a lot of slogging) is not enough anymore for either the personal or the professional market, I have finally decided to do something about it. The recent recession that has taken the worlds financial markets along with it for a ride has indeed created a creator in our lives and consequently also raised the bar for employability. Hence eventually after a lot of debate, (mostly with my mom, though she wants me to do the MBA for a totally diff reason) I have finally decided to give the GMAT.

Its quite an irony to see that while the recessions was at its peak with salary cuts and no perks all lined up to make the life of everyone miserable the so called ‘working class’ that is ‘us’ managed to attend office more regularly than usual. As we near the end of the financial year people are worried about the lapse of the leaves that they so willing did not take. This has led to the so called ‘ I am not well and wont be coming to the office today’ syndrome though in reality the only thing that is not well is the leave planning ability of such people which so very obviously includes me. Thus to conclude I took a day off yesterday for no apparent reason except for all the outgoing calls from my other end were free and frequent(if u know what I am talking abt) but that’s hardly a reason for a leave.

I tried to invest my free time for my career as I decided to check out the various GMAT coaching centers, the course material and of course do my laundry as well. A skill that is of utmost important for GMAT is the ability to write a good essay. Not just write whatever comes to your mind, but to write it in such a way that the frustrated reader also gets a piece of your mind. The worst part is that there is a word limit, and I do believe that is fair as well. You can’t expect the reader not to have a life, though most of them don’t but then you cant be sure. So I start with this lame attempt to write the events of the day into a structurally well crafted blog so that with time I improve in writing and am able to write a decent SOP if required. The tone of this blog might seem very pessimistic but that’s the effect the office and a really crappy manager might have on you. I promise to improve in the future blogs.

Taking time off just for the sake of it is a relatively new concept. However in a very short duration of its arrival it has accumulated quite a following. The only sad part is that if you are single and are into the habit of reading; such a time off might end up fueling your melancholy and thus driving you into further frustration; so always make sure there is something or someone to keep you company.

The highlight of the day for me yesterday however was the class I had at the end of the day (and of course the traffic jam I was in, on the way). Finally we have started on the “Samba” my favorite amongst the latin dances. I was quite happy to begin with as my moves were quite appreciated by my fellow dancers but very soon I saw my pride take big tumbling when My Teacher reprimanded me for some audacious moves that I was doing thinking it would be cool. Be that as it may the class was pretty cool and the coffee after the class was also ok. I need to open up more to the people in the school. Its hard sometimes to change your habits so quickly but for me now it’s a necessity and that ladies and gentlemen is the grandmother of invention. Lets Hope things turn up for the better tomorrow. All fingers crossed.

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